
School staff members can play a powerful role in the prevention of underage drinking and drug use among their students. Together, educators and families can work to send strong and consistent messages to students about the use of alcohol and other drugs.

Important Resources

Screenshot of Vermont School Substance Use Policies and Procedures document


Vermont School Wellness Policy

The Prevention Center of Excellence and the Green Peak Alliance developed the Health Policy Clearinghouse – an online, searchable database for model prevention and health policies as well as other resources. The site was developed by Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC).

Vermont Resources

802 Quits Logo

802Quits  Provides free cessation support for Vermonters ages 13 and older:

By phone, 24/7, at 1-800-QUIT-NOW Coaches can provide support for the tapering method (decrease in nicotine concentration, puff duration, frequency and power of the device battery).

Additional support is available by email, text or instant message. Online unlimited help

Additional tips and tools available  

Vermont Department of Health Logo

Addressing the Dangers of Vaping in Vermont Schools: An Electronic Vapor Product Education Toolkit for Schools   Here is a toolkit to help you educate your students about making healthy choices for themselves, and to better understand what electronic vaping products are all about.  

Tobacco Free College Campus Initiative

Vermont Tobacco-free Campus Initiative is a partnership of Vermont colleges, universities, community coalitions, and the Vermont Department of Health to support the health of our communities of higher learning. This initiative aims to help individuals and institutions: examine the benefits of tobacco-free or smoke-free campus policies. 

Vermont Afterschool Logo

Resources for school-based professionals on many topics.

My Life My Quit Logo

MyLifeMyQuit – free online resource for VT Teens.

VT Helplink logo


Free and confidential alcohol and drug support and referral services, call 802-565-LINK (5465)   VT Helplink is a statewide, public resource for finding substance use treatment and recovery services in Vermont.

Vermont 211 logo

Vermont 211Vermont 211 provides more than a phone number or the service hours of an agency.  Their Community Resource Specialists follow an information and referral process to help each person deal with their issue.

Let's Talk Cannabis logo

Let’s Talk Cannabis

The Vermont Department of Health is dedicated to providing you with the information you need to make safe and informed choices.By providing science-based information, the Health Department is working to increase awareness about cannabis and how it affects our bodies, minds and health.

National Resources

SAMHSA Alcohol FX app icon

AlcoholFX Mobile App

Alcohol’s Effects on the Brain (AlcoholFX) is a free, science-based app that teaches students ages 10 to 12 how alcohol can harm their brains if they drink. Based on lesson plans from SAMHSA’s Reach Out Now Initiative, the app can easily integrate with instruction in 5th- and 6th-grade classrooms. 

Talk. They Hear You logo

Talk. They Hear You. Mobile App (And other resources)

“Talk. They Hear You.” is a free mobile app that helps you prepare for one of the most important conversations you may ever have with your children about underage drinking. The app provides parents and caregivers of children and teens ages 9 to 15 with the tools and information they need to start talking with their children early about the dangers of alcohol. It includes a suite of materials that helps reinforce the underage drinking prevention campaign’s messages.

National Institute on Drug Abuse logo
Marijuana Drug Facts 
From the National Institute of Drug Abuse  – A complete guide to marijuana and health effects.
Truth Initiative logo

The Truth Initiative is America’s largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to a future where tobacco and nicotine addiction are things of the past. It’s mission is to achieve a culture where young people reject smoking, vaping, and nicotine.  

Prevention Works! VT logo

Prevention Works!VT: Virtual Youth Cessation Resources

Updated on March of 2022

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism logo

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism offers resources for teens and teen influencers. Get the latest on how drugs affect the brain and body. Features videos, games, blog posts, and more!

Tobacco Prevention Toolkit

The Tobacco Prevention Toolkit (curriculum from Stanford Medicine) Theory-based and evidence-informed resources created by educators, parents, and researchers aimed at preventing middle and high school students’ use of tobacco and nicotine. The Tobacco Prevention Toolkit is a research-informed and validated set of curriculums to help prevent students from starting or escalating use of any tobacco product.

The goals of this Toolkit are for students to:

  1. Understand basic information about tobacco products, including e-cigarettes/vape pens, and the harm they cause
  2. Gain awareness of strategies manufacturers of tobacco, including e-cigarettes/vape pens, employ to increase use among adolescents through deceptive and creative marketing strategies
  3. Gain skills to refuse experimentation and use of tobacco