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March 2024

 PW!VT Updates including Vermont’s 1st Statewide Substance Misuse Prevention Conference for Prevention Works: Connections and Community, Stepping Up for Prevention Workforce Development , Prevention Works’ Spring Intern, PW!VT 2024 Prevention Day, Certified Prevention Specialist Update, Updates from Traci Sawyers of Vermont Department of Health, Prevention Spotlight – Lauren Ingersoll, BRACC, PW’s Calendar of Events, Workgroup Updates, Coalition News From Across The State

December 2023

 PW!VT Updates including Save The Date for Prevention Works: Connections and Community, Stepping Up for Prevention Workforce Development , Prevention Works Hires Policy Education Specialist, Alex Karambelas, PW!VT 2024 Advocacy Training, Certified Prevention Specialist Update, Updates from Traci Sawyers of Vermont Department of Health, Prevention Spotlight – Evan Litwin, Burlington Partnership For A Healthy Community , PW’s Calendar of Events, Workgroup Updates, Coalition News From Across The State

Prevention Works! VT Adopts Substance Misuse Prevention Definition


The PW!VT’s Steering Committee has developed a “standardized” definition of substance misuse prevention to use when communicating with stakeholders who may be unfamiliar with how prevention integrates throughout systems and communities. This definition is one of many adopted by organizations throughout Vermont and nationally. Prevention organizations are welcome to use and share PW!VT’s definition in whole or in part at their discretion.


“Substance Misuse Prevention is an arm of public health that works to delay the onset of substance use, and prevent substance misuse by reducing harms across the lifespan through

  • partnerships
  • education
  • community engagement
  • public policy and proven best practices.

Substance Misuse Prevention is based on strategies that increase individual, community, and cultural well-being and resilience.

Vermont Cost Data Analysis

This informational session is about the recent Cost Benefit Analysis that Prevention Works! VT contracted to take place. For a little background information , the only data that was available about the cost saving prevention provided was very outdated (from 2010) and available only at a national level not a state level. With the support of DSU providing budgetary information and the use of the Vermont YRBS data, PW engaged the Catalyst Evaluation Group to provide A Benefit: Cost Analysis of Substance Use Prevention in Vermont. 

Stephanie Strutner, MPH, CPSII, is President & Lead Epidemiologist, with the Catalyst Evaluation Group which has an advanced knowledge of evaluation design and implementation, Mrs. Strutner collaborated with PW to collect the required data elements and apply them to the cost benefit algorithm that the Catalyst Evaluation Group employs. 

Recording HERE

We understand that this information may be a bit overwhelming to digest and to share out so we have also included talking points to help.

Benefit Cost Analysis Talking Points_Vermont

2024 Events

Stepping Up for Prevention Workforce Development
Prevention Works! VT (PW) has been engaged in new workforce development (WFD) strategies since March 2023.  The goal of the PW’s WFD strategies, “to increase the capacity of qualified prevention professionals (community based, school based, college level etc.) to address prevention needs in their communities”.
There are several strategies PW staff is employing to achieve this goal as we continue to meet our mission. These strategies include
  • Coordinating workforce development advisory workgroup (WFD AG) whose role will be to look at the current state of prevention workforce through needs assessments and other data, identify the strengths, challenges and gaps and eventually develop a strategic plan. 
  • Collect information and develop and promote a specialized hub for Vermont’s prevention workforce
  • Develop of prevention workforce materials, infographic and other educational and promotional materials   
  • Create/ support multi-facetted prevention career tracks (public health) with colleges, universities and other educational institutions
  • Embed prevention workforce development into aligned professions such as school-based prevention staff and college prevention staff  
  • Raise the profile of prevention profession within the state among stakeholder groups, state level decision makers, state government departments and others
  • Continue to provide administrative support and promotion of the Certified Prevention Specialist credentialling and the Vermont CPS Board.
  • Coordinate quarterly professional development workshops/training
  • Organize a statewide substance misuse Prevention Conference in 2024
In order to implement these workforce development strategies, PW! VT hopes to engage each member of the prevention workforce. If you would like to assist with any of the strategies, please contact Beth or Kimberley. 
  • Workshops
  • Networking opportunities
  • Multiple tracks including youth engagement, vaping, cannabis, marketing and communications, policy and others

Prevention Works!VT hosts statewide Substance Misuse Prevention Conference: Prevention Works: Connections and Community

Conference goal: To increase the capacity of qualified prevention professionals (community based, school based, college level etc.) to address prevention needs in their communities through professional development opportunities.
  • Workshops
  • Networking opportunities
  • Multiple tracks including youth engagement, vaping, cannabis, marketing and communications, policy and others

Support for the conference is provided through Vermont Department of Health, Division of Substance Use Programs and a Congressional Direct Spending Program Grant supported by Senator Bernie Sanders.

Vermont Prevention Day – Wednesday, April 3, 2024. 

Prevention Day, is an opportunity to advocate, educate and connect with decision makers in the Vermont Statehouse about substance misuse prevention and aligned issues.  Prevention Day is about celebrating and promoting the many critical ways substance misuse prevention services keep Vermonters and their communities safe and healthy.
Prevention Day 2024 went virtual due to a snowstorm. Available is the recording of the Proactive Advocacy Workshop and the Announcement of the Prevention Champion Awards. Thank you to all who participated virtually
Recordings are available here:  
Substance Misuse and Older Vermonters 
Monday, March 18, 2024 – 1:00 pm to 2:OO pm 
Presented by Charles Gurney, LICSW(ret.) and LADC(ret.),  Substance Use and Aging Specialist for the VDH Division of Substance Use Programs and member of the State Unit on Aging in the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living.  
Charles will discuss the prevalence of risky alcohol and drug use among older adults, the factors increasing the risk for this use, focusing on alcohol, Opioids and Benzodiazepines, use of alcohol screening, the key messages prevention providers can bring to older adults to reduce the risk of alcohol and drug misuse, and will display three educational brochures on the topic that prevention providers could distribute.
There will also be time for participants to share their current or planned strategies for addressing older Vermonters in their prevention work. 
Replay HERE