Vermont Prevention Community
Prevention Works!VT is part of a vibrant substance misuse prevention community in Vermont. Prevention Professionals, the Vermont Department of Health Prevention Consultants and community organizations across the state are all working to create healthier communities.
The Vermont Prevention Model
Preventing substance misuse reduces the risks that contribute to alcohol, tobacco or other drug use – while promoting protective factors that support healthy lifestyles and communities. By stopping substance use before it starts, or before it becomes substance misuse, prevention also works to save Vermont tax dollars.

Featured Resource
Health Policy Clearinghouse
The Prevention Center of Excellence (formerly Prevention Network Grant) and the Green Peak Alliance developed the Health Policy Clearinghouse – an online, searchable database for model prevention and health policies as well as other resources. The site was developed by Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC).
Vermont Prevention Coalitions
More than 20 local coalitions collaborate Prevention Work!VT. We are all dedicated to reducing substance use and improving the lives of all Vermonters. See our Coalition Contact List.

Prevention Consultants
Vermonters across the state have access to one of the Vermont Department of Health’s 12 regional prevention consultants.
These health professionals are alcohol and drug use prevention experts working in the 12 local health offices in Vermont. They support community efforts to lead and carry out prevention efforts.
Vermont Prevention Lead Organizations (VPLO)
VPLOs were established in July 2023 to ensure coordinated prevention work statewide. They serve as fiscal agents to community organizations, coordinate through a regional advisory structure, and work with district partners to allocate substance misuse prevention funding in their region. Allocations are based on community assessments, risk and protective factors, and community readiness.

- Region 1 (Burlington, St. Albans, Barre) – United Way of Northwest Vermont
- Region 2 (Middlebury, Rutland) – Rutland Regional Medical Center
- Region 3 (Newport, St. Johnsbury, Morrisville) – Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital
Region 4 (Bennington, Brattleboro, Springfield, White River Junction) – The Collaborative